Our Fabrics
Our cotton is all 100% long staple Egyptian cotton; spun and dyed in Italy with the craftsmanship and tradition Italy is known for. The pharaohs ruled Egypt in this cotton, your little baby can rule your world wearing the same!
We have been partners with our yarn spinner for over 20 years and are intimately familiar with their quality control, fair practices, and attention to detail. We know who made your clothes. We only want the best for our children. We give them the best food we can, why not give them the best clothes we can.
Egyptian cotton has been sought after for centuries because of softness, durability, and the depth of color it is able to achieve. Egypt has been the cradle of the world’s finest cotton for centuries, and Italy has been at the forefront of fashion and textile production.
Just as the best cotton in the world comes from Egypt, the best cashmere in the world comes from the Alashan region of inner Mongolia. Our cashmere partner is where the magic begins.
Very few cashmere suppliers are as involved in every step of the process as our partner. This is a multigenerational family business that sources their cashmere fiber directly from herders in Inner Mongolia. They then inspect, sort, and wash fibers in their own facilities, before dying and spinning into yarn. This same family business then knits
Combed, never sheared.
Fiber length and microns
Family business
We’ve been there
Fair trade, veterinary services, herd management practices...
We know the herders
Wash your baby cashmere sweaters with your babies baby shampoo (2 birds,
1 stone)
While we are a new brand, our relationship with our suppliers goes back years and in many cases decades.